Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey to Measure Management Health Company leadership team survey Name1. Our team is not encumbered by politics Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 2. Our team experiences minimal confusion Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 3. Our team has high morale Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 4. Our team is highly productive Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 5. Our team experiences low turnover Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 6. Our team is highly collaborative Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree EIGHT KEYS TO GROWTH1. The leadership team models the culture (Integrity, commitment, innovation, excellence, passion, wellbeing, harmony) Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 2. We have the Right People in the Right Seats Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 3. We have and understand the Strategic Growth Plan Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 4. The Company has published product and service differentiation (what makes us different) Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 5. The Company has a plan for Advanced Customer Management Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 6. The Company has Key Performance Indicators Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 7. The Company has robust core processes Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree 8. Key team members are given the ability to execute plan Strongly Disagree Disagree Hard to Say Agree Strongly Agree Δ